Evaluation of LES against satellite and ground-based observations (ProgNa)

Evaluation of LES against satellite and ground-based observations (ProgNa)#

  • The below notebook compares selected simulations against observational targets that were collected from satellite and ground-based retrievals.

  • In case of questions or concerns, please notify Ann Fridlind (ann.fridlind@nasa.gov), Timothy Juliano (tjuliano@ucar.edu), and Florian Tornow (ft2544@columbia.edu).

%run functions_plotting.py 
## select simulations to plot
sim_keyword = 'dx100_ProgNa.'  
## load ERA5 fields
era5_1d, era5_2d = load_era5(PATH='../../data_files/')

## load radiosondes
rs_dat = load_rs(t_filter = 7.)

## load DOE ARM site statistics
kazrkollias_dat = load_kazrkollias(t_filter = 6.,aux_dat=rs_dat) ## here using radiosonde profiles to estimate CTT
kazrclough_dat = load_kazrclough(t_filter = 6.) 
aeri_dat = load_aeri(t_filter = 0.5)
radflux_dat = load_radflux(t_filter = 6.)
srfflux_dat = load_flux(t_filter = 6.)

## load CARRA surface fluxes
carra_dat = load_carraflux()

## load MAC-LWP
maclwp_dat = load_maclwp(t_filter = 0.) 
gongiwp_dat = load_iwpgong(t_filter = 0.)

## load MODIS, VIIRS, and SENTINEL retrievals
modis_dat    = load_modis(t_filter = 0.,sza_filter = 65.)
viirs_dat    = load_viirs(t_filter = 0.,sza_filter = 65.)
sentinel_dat = load_sentinel(t_filter = 0.,sza_filter = 65.)

## load CERES retrievals
ceres_dat = load_ceres(t_filter = 0.)

## load CALIPSO retrievals (note the increased time window)
calipso_dat = load_calipso(t_filter = 3.)
KAZR (Kollias): here using auxiliary field to estimate cloud-top temperature
## load all simulations located in subfolders of the given directory
var_vec_1d = ['hfss','hfls','ts'] # variables with ERA5 (longer time axis)
var_vec_2d = ['theta','qv','ua','va']
df_col_1d,df_col_2d = load_sims('../../output_les/',var_vec_1d,var_vec_2d,t_shift=-2,keyword=sim_keyword,subfolder='sand') #,ignore='ICON')
Loading variables: f(time)
Loading variables: f(time,height)
## plot variables that have only time dependence
/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py:1185: RuntimeWarning: All-NaN axis encountered
  miny = np.nanmin(masked_verts[..., 1])
/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py:1186: RuntimeWarning: All-NaN axis encountered
  maxy = np.nanmax(masked_verts[..., 1])
%run functions_plotting.py 

## load all simulations located in subfolders of the given directory
var_vec_1d = ['lwpr','lwpc','iwp','od'] # variables without ERA5 (shorter time axis)
var_vec_2d = ['theta','qv','qlc','qlr','ta','ua','va'] #,'qic','qis','qig','ua','va','ta']
df_col_1d,df_col_2d = load_sims('../../output_les/',var_vec_1d,var_vec_2d,t_shift=-2,keyword=sim_keyword,diag_zi_ctt=True,subfolder='sand') #,ignore='ICON')
Loading variables: f(time)
iwp not found in ../../output_les/DALES/sandbox/DALES_Lx25_dx100_ProgNa.nc
od not found in ../../output_les/DALES/sandbox/DALES_Lx25_dx100_ProgNa.nc
Loading variables: f(time,height)
computing inversion height, cloud-top height, and cloud-top temperature
## plot variables that have only time dependence
plot_1d(pd.concat([df_col_1d,maclwp_dat,kazrkollias_dat,kazrclough_dat,calipso_dat,radflux_dat]),['cth','od','lwp','iwp','ctt'],longnames=['cloud-top height','cloud optical depth','liquid water path','ice water path','cloud-top temperature'],units=['m','','kg m^-2','kg m^-2','C'])

## plot variables that have only time dependence (for now excluding imager retrievals that are mostly SZA > 70)
#plot_1d(pd.concat([df_col_1d,maclwp_dat,kazrkollias_dat,kazrclough_dat,calipso_dat,gongiwp_dat,radflux_dat]),['od','lwp','iwp']) #'zi','od','lwp','iwp
/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py:1185: RuntimeWarning: All-NaN axis encountered
  miny = np.nanmin(masked_verts[..., 1])
/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py:1186: RuntimeWarning: All-NaN axis encountered
  maxy = np.nanmax(masked_verts[..., 1])
class time pf ua va w theta qv zf ta
18.0 ERA5 64800.0 1012.049377 3.761155 -8.429794 -0.027666 270.269867 0.002308 18.167820 271.197296
17.0 ERA5 61200.0 1012.049377 3.726061 -11.233538 0.034034 270.648346 0.002132 13.275071 271.577057
16.0 ERA5 57600.0 1012.049377 4.188862 -11.726610 0.019582 270.504089 0.002079 8.482681 271.432312
15.0 ERA5 54000.0 1012.049377 3.789669 -12.985072 0.001795 270.084229 0.001972 8.890698 271.011017
14.0 ERA5 50400.0 1012.049377 3.932238 -14.237088 0.017544 269.661469 0.001863 9.654793 270.586792
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
-6.0 ERA5 -21600.0 0.010000 6.649825 -22.005390 -0.000058 5420.681152 0.000001 76277.929688 201.397369
-7.0 ERA5 -25200.0 0.010000 2.635956 -17.873898 -0.000058 5438.761230 0.000001 76239.414062 202.069107
-8.0 ERA5 -28800.0 0.010000 -1.987671 -13.578048 -0.000058 5432.479492 0.000001 76177.406250 201.835709
-9.0 ERA5 -32400.0 0.010000 -6.703418 -13.392743 -0.000058 5469.329102 0.000001 76284.093750 203.204803
-10.0 ERA5 -36000.0 0.010000 -15.424261 -10.653453 -0.000058 5540.691895 0.000001 76272.406250 205.856186

3973 rows × 10 columns

## plot all variables that have time and height dependence

## example where ERA5 and radiosonde are included
plot_2d(pd.concat([df_col_2d,era5_2d,rs_dat,aeri_dat]),var_vec = ['ta','theta','qv','ws','wd'],times=[-1.5,0,4,8,18],z_max=6000)
Computing wind speed
Computing wind direction
temporal averaging over 1.0 h interval
<Figure size 1000x600 with 0 Axes>
'ua' in df_col_2d.columns
Index(['class', 'time', 'zf', 'theta', 'qv', 'qlc', 'qlr', 'ta', 'ua', 'va',