Check my LES run - 2D output#
The below notebook allows to compare a selected set of large-eddy simulation.
All requested 2D variables are here read and plotted. “load_sims_2d” reports variable that are missing. Maps will not show, if a variable is missing or if it contains missing values.
In case you find inconsistencies in the benchmark set or wish to expand the code, please contact Ann Fridlind (, Timothy Juliano (, and Florian Tornow (
## select LES run(s) of interest
sim_keyword = 'FixN_2D'
## select specfic time
time_vec = [18.0]
vars_mean_list = pd.read_excel('',
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
## short names
var_vec_2d = np.asarray(vars_mean_list.variable_id[vars_mean_list.dimensions == 'time, x, y'])
## long names
var_vec_2d_long = np.asarray(vars_mean_list.standard_name[vars_mean_list.dimensions == 'time, x, y'])
## units
var_vec_2d_units = np.asarray(vars_mean_list.units[vars_mean_list.dimensions == 'time, x, y'])
## load all simulations located in subfolders of the given directory
df_col_2d = load_sims_2d('/data/project/comble-mip/output_les/',var_vec_2d,t_shift=-2,times=time_vec,keyword=sim_keyword)
Loading variables: f(time,x,y)
NaN values in pr
NaN values in lwp
NaN values in iwp
NaN values in opt
NaN values in alb
NaN values in olr11
No field for ustar
...adjusting x and y values

<Figure size 1000x600 with 0 Axes>