Example: convert DHARMA LES 3D output to DEPHY format#
Code to read DHARMA LES output files and write to DEPHY format (NetCDF)
Contributed by Florian Tornow Columbia University & NASA/GISS and Ann Fridlind from NASA/GISS
Import libraries#
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
import os
import netCDF4
import datetime as dt
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import re
import sys
import pathlib
%run ../plotting/functions_plotting.py
%run function_extract_2d.py
R_const = 287 #J kg^-1 K^-1
Specify directory locations#
If on the ARM JupyterHub, it is recommended to create and specify a local directory that is outside of the COMBLE-MIP repository to upload raw model output files in your model’s format.
Processed domain-mean outputs are invited for commit to the GitHub repository on a user-specified branch under /comble-mip/output_les/YOUR_MODEL_NAME/sandbox/YOUR_RUN_NAME. These can be committed and removed at any time.
It is requested to name your baseline small-domain run directory as ‘Lx25km_dx100m’ (in place of YOUR_RUN_NAME), so that it can readily be automatically compared with other runs using the same test specification.
# specify start time of simulation and simulation name
start_dtime = '2020-03-12 22:00:00.0'
# specify input data directory name, traceable to source machine, and
# specify output file name (see file naming convention in TOC)
# ProgNa with ice test
my_readdir = 'case0313_diag_ice25_nomiz_dx100_specZ0_sbhomo'
my_outfile = 'DHARMA_Lx25_dx100_FixN_3D.nc'
# specify local source directories (additional subdirectories if restart was required)
my_rundir = '/data/home/floriantornow/dharma/sandbox/' + my_readdir + '/'
my_outdirs = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(my_rundir) if not f.startswith('.')], key=str.lower)
# specify Github scratch directory where processed model output will be committed
my_gitdir = '../../output_les/dharma/sandbox/'
Read DHARMA data#
Locate 2D files#
## locate all files that have the expected filename (*.tgz)
path = my_rundir + my_outdirs[0]
direc = pathlib.Path(path)
NCFILES = list(direc.rglob("*tgz"))
NCFILES_STR = [str(p) for p in pathlib.Path(path).rglob('*.tgz')]
input_filenames = []
count = 0
for fn in NCFILES:
if ('PLT' in NCFILES_STR[count]):
count += 1
Read 2D files#
## obtain model horizontal resolution
cdf_filename = my_rundir + my_outdirs[0] + '/dharma.cdf'
dharma_params = xr.open_dataset(cdf_filename)
nx = dharma_params['geometry'].nx
Lx = dharma_params['geometry'].L_x
## obtain vertical resolution
nz = dharma_params['geometry'].nz
ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: Open of /opt/conda/share/proj failed
## obtain auxiliary info from sounding file
sound_filename = my_rundir + my_outdirs[0] + '/dharma.soundings.cdf'
dharma_sound = xr.open_dataset(sound_filename)
theta_00 = dharma_sound.theta_00
xy_res = Lx/nx
## read profiles to complete pressure profile
var_vec_1d = ['lwpc'] # variables with ERA5 (longer time axis)
var_vec_2d = ['rhoa','ta','theta']
df_col_1d,df_col_2d = load_sims('../../output_les/',var_vec_1d,var_vec_2d,t_shift=-2,keyword='DHARMA_Lx25_dx100_FixN.')
init_prof = df_col_2d[abs(round(df_col_2d.time)-df_col_2d['time'].min())<2.]
Loading variables: f(time)
Loading variables: f(time,height)
## prepare pressure field translation
rhobar = dharma_sound['rhobar'].isel(time=0).values
th_snd = theta_00*(1. + dharma_sound['th'].isel(time=0).values)
T_snd = dharma_sound['T'].isel(time=0).values
pii = T_snd/th_snd
penv_mks = 1e6*pii**(1/0.286)*0.1
time_vec = []
counter = 0
for input_filename in input_filenames[0:1]:
## also check if partner file ("alt_3d") is available
input_filename_2 = Path(str(input_filename).replace('PLT', 'alt_3d'))
## obtain timestamp
## ascertain horizontal resolution and prepare horizontal grid
xy_res = Lx/nx
x_vec = np.arange(-Lx/2, Lx/2, xy_res)
y_vec = np.arange(-Lx/2, Lx/2, xy_res)
z_vec = dharma_sound['zt'].values
## unpack tgz and extract relevant fields
pa_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'press')
pa_1d = (pa_3d.mean(axis=2).mean(axis=1)*rhobar + penv_mks) # Pa
pa_3d_act = np.tile(penv_mks.reshape(len(penv_mks),1,1),[nx,nx]) + np.tile(rhobar.reshape(len(rhobar),1,1),[nx,nx])*pa_3d # Pa
ua_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'u') #+ dharma_params['translate'].u
va_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'v') #+ dharma_params['translate'].v
wa_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'w')
th_3d = theta_00*(1. + threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'th'))
ta_3d = np.tile(pii.reshape(len(pii),1,1),[nx,nx]) * th_3d
rhoa_3d = pa_3d_act/ta_3d/R_const
qv_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'qv')
qlc_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'qc')
qlr_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'qr')
qic_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'qic')
qis_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'qif')
qig_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'qid')
nlc_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'nc')
nlr_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'nr')
nic_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'nic')
nis_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'nif')
nig_3d = threed_loader(input_filename,vbase = 'nid')
eps_3d = threed_loader(input_filename_2,vbase = 'kmd2')
tend_cond_3d = threed_loader(input_filename_2,vbase = 'net_cond')
tend_dep_3d = threed_loader(input_filename_2,vbase = 'net_dep')
tend_rim_3d = threed_loader(input_filename_2,vbase = 'rime_prod')
## accumulate
if counter == 0:
pa_col = pa_1d
ta_col = ta_3d
rhoa_col = rhoa_3d
ua_col = ua_3d
va_col = va_3d
wa_col = wa_3d
qv_col = qv_3d
qlc_col = qlc_3d
qlr_col = qlr_3d
qic_col = qic_3d
qis_col = qis_3d
qig_col = qig_3d
nlc_col = nlc_3d
nlr_col = nlr_3d
nic_col = nic_3d
nis_col = nis_3d
nig_col = nig_3d
eps_col = eps_3d
tend_cond_col = tend_cond_3d
tend_dep_col = tend_dep_3d
tend_rim_col = tend_rim_3d
pa_col = np.stack([pa_col,pa_1d],axis=0)
ta_col = np.stack([ta_col,ta_3d],axis=0)
rhoa_col = np.stack([rhoa_col,rhoa_3d],axis=0)
ua_col = np.stack([ua_col,ua_3d],axis=0)
va_col = np.stack([va_col,va_3d],axis=0)
wa_col = np.stack([wa_col,wa_3d],axis=0)
qv_col = np.stack([qv_col,qv_3d],axis=0)
qlc_col = np.stack([qlc_col,qlc_3d],axis=0)
qlr_col = np.stack([qlr_col,qlr_3d],axis=0)
qic_col = np.stack([qic_col,qic_3d],axis=0)
qis_col = np.stack([qis_col,qis_3d],axis=0)
qig_col = np.stack([qig_col,qig_3d],axis=0)
nlc_col = np.stack([nlc_col,nlc_3d],axis=0)
nlr_col = np.stack([nlr_col,nlr_3d],axis=0)
nic_col = np.stack([nic_col,nic_3d],axis=0)
nis_col = np.stack([nis_col,nis_3d],axis=0)
nig_col = np.stack([nig_col,nig_3d],axis=0)
eps_col = np.stack([eps_col,eps_3d],axis=0)
tend_cond_col = np.stack([tend_cond_col,tend_cond_3d],axis=0)
tend_dep_col = np.stack([tend_dep_col,tend_dep_3d],axis=0)
tend_rim_col = np.stack([tend_rim_col,tend_rim_3d],axis=0)
counter += 1
| 29100 | 72000.0 | 0.8 | 0.4401E-07 | 0.4925E-08 | 0.0455 | 0.5321 |
Prepare output file in DEPHY format#
Read requested variables list#
Variable description, naming, units, and dimensions.
# read list of requested variables
vars_mean_list = pd.read_excel('https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vl8jYGviet7EtXZuQiitrx4NSkV1x27aJAhxxjBb9zI/export?gid=1233994833&format=xlsx',
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
standard_name | variable_id | units | dimensions | comment (60-min instantaneous, red=required for EMC2) | |
0 | time | time | s | – | dimension, seconds since 2020-03-12 18:00:00 |
1 | x | x | m | – | dimension, grid cell center |
2 | y | y | m | – | dimension, grid cell center |
3 | height | zf | m | – | dimension, altitude of mid-level points above ... |
4 | air_pressure | pa | Pa | time, height | – |
5 | eastward_wind | ua | m s-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
6 | northward_wind | va | m s-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
7 | upward_air_velocity | wa | m s-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
8 | air_temperature | ta | K | time, height, x, y | – |
9 | air_dry_density | rhoa | kg m-3 | time, height, x, y | – |
10 | water_vapor_mixing_ratio | qv | kg kg-1 | time, height, x, y | per kg dry air |
11 | mass_mixing_ratio_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air | qlc | kg kg-1 | time, height, x, y | per kg dry air; default breakdown to cloud wat... |
12 | mass_mixing_ratio_of_rain_water_in_air | qlr | kg kg-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
13 | mass_mixing_ratio_of_cloud_ice_in_air | qic | kg kg-1 | time, height, x, y | default breakdown to cloud_ice, snow and graup... |
14 | mass_mixing_ratio_of_snow_in_air | qis | kg kg-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
15 | mass_mixing_ratio_of_graupel_in_air | qig | kg kg-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
16 | number_of_dry_aerosol_in_air | na | kg-1 | time, height, x, y | per kg dry air; when using prognostic aerosol |
17 | number_of_cloud_droplets_in_air | nlc | kg-1 | time, height, x, y | when using prognostic aerosol |
18 | number_of_rain_droplets_in_air | nlr | kg-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
19 | number_of_cloud_ice_crystals_in_air | nic | kg-1 | time, height, x, y | default breakdown to cloud_ice, snow and graup... |
20 | number_of_snow_crystals_in_air | nis | kg-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
21 | number_of_graupel_crystals_in_air | nig | kg-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
22 | dissipation_rate_of_turbulent_kinetic_energy | eps | m2 s-3 | time, height, x, y | including numerical diffusion contributions if... |
23 | mass_weighted_fall_speed_of_liquid_cloud_water | vmlc | m s-1 | time, height, x, y | EMC2 uses mass-weighted fall-speed profiles fo... |
24 | mass_weighted_fall_speed_of_rain | vmlr | m s-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
25 | mass_weighted_fall_speed_of_ice_cloud | vmic | m s-1 | time, height, x, y | if other ice-phase categories are used, provid... |
26 | mass_weighted_fall_speed_of_snow | vmis | m s-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
27 | mass_weighted_fall_speed_of_graupel | vmig | m s-1 | time, height, x, y | – |
28 | tendency_of_condensation | tend_cond | s-1 | time, height, x, y | combined tendencies of cloud liquid and rain w... |
29 | tendency_of_deposition | tend_dep | s-1 | time, height, x, y | tendency of ice mixing ratio due to deposition... |
30 | tendency_of_riming | tend_rim | s-1 | time, height, x, y | tendency of ice mixing ratio due to riming; su... |
# create DEPHY output file
dephy_filename = './' + my_gitdir + my_outfile
if os.path.exists(dephy_filename):
print('The file ' + dephy_filename + ' has been deleted successfully')
dephy_file = Dataset(dephy_filename,mode='w',format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
# create global attributes
dephy_file.title='DHARMA LES results for COMBLE-MIP case: fixed Nd and Ni'
dephy_file.authors='Florian Tornow (florian.tornow@nasa.gov) and Ann Fridlind (ann.fridlind@nasa.gov)'
dephy_file.version=dt.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
dephy_file.surfaceType='ocean (after spin-up)'
dephy_file.surfaceForcing='ts (after spin-up)'
#dephy_file.lat=str(dharma_params['Coriolis'].lat) + ' deg N'
#dephy_file.dx=str(dharma_params['geometry'].L_x/dharma_params['geometry'].nx) + ' m'
#dephy_file.dy=str(dharma_params['geometry'].L_y/dharma_params['geometry'].ny) + ' m'
#dephy_file.dz='see zf variable'
# create dimensions
xvec = dephy_file.createDimension('x', nx)
xvec = dephy_file.createVariable('x', np.float64, ('x',))
xvec.units = 'm'
xvec.long_name = 'x'
xvec[:] = x_vec
yvec = dephy_file.createDimension('y', nx)
yvec = dephy_file.createVariable('y', np.float64, ('y',))
yvec.units = 'm'
yvec.long_name = 'y'
yvec[:] = y_vec
zvec = dephy_file.createDimension('height', nz)
zvec = dephy_file.createVariable('height', np.float64, ('height',))
zvec.units = 'm'
zvec.long_name = 'y'
zvec[:] = z_vec
nt = len(time_vec)#len(input_filenames)
time = dephy_file.createDimension('time', nt)
time = dephy_file.createVariable('time', np.float64, ('time',))
time.units = 'seconds since ' + dephy_file.startDate
time.long_name = 'time'
time[:] = time_vec[:]
# create and fill variables
for index in vars_mean_list.index[4:]:
std_name = vars_mean_list.standard_name.iat[index]
var_name = vars_mean_list['variable_id'].iat[index]
if var_name == 'ta':
mod_field = ta_col
if var_name == 'pa':
mod_field = pa_col
if var_name == 'rhoa':
mod_field = rhoa_col
if var_name == 'ua':
mod_field = ua_col
if var_name == 'va':
mod_field = va_col
if var_name == 'wa':
mod_field = wa_col
if var_name == 'qv':
mod_field = qv_col
if var_name == 'qlc':
mod_field = qlc_col
if var_name == 'qlr':
mod_field = qlr_col
if var_name == 'qic':
mod_field = qic_col
if var_name == 'qis':
mod_field = qis_col
if var_name == 'qig':
mod_field = qig_col
if var_name == 'nlc':
mod_field = nlc_col
if var_name == 'nlr':
mod_field = nlr_col
if var_name == 'nic':
mod_field = nic_col
if var_name == 'nis':
mod_field = nis_col
if var_name == 'nig':
mod_field = nig_col
if var_name == 'eps':
mod_field = eps_col
if var_name == 'tend_cond':
mod_field = tend_cond_col
if var_name == 'tend_dep':
mod_field = tend_dep_col
if var_name == 'tend_rim':
mod_field = tend_rim_col
if (var_name in ['na','vmlc','vmlr','vmic','vmis','vmig']):
if vars_mean_list.dimensions.iat[index]=='time, height':
new_snd = dephy_file.createVariable(var_name, np.float64, ('time','height'))
new_snd.units = vars_mean_list.units.iat[index]
new_snd.long_name = std_name
new_snd[:] = mod_field
if vars_mean_list.dimensions.iat[index]=='time, height, x, y':
new_snd = dephy_file.createVariable(var_name, np.float64, ('time','height','x','y'))
new_snd.units = vars_mean_list.units.iat[index]
new_snd.long_name = std_name
new_snd[:] = mod_field
The file ./../../output_les/dharma/sandbox/DHARMA_Lx25_dx100_FixN_3D.nc has been deleted successfully
<class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dataset'>
root group (NETCDF3_CLASSIC data model, file format NETCDF3):
title: DHARMA LES results for COMBLE-MIP case: fixed Nd and Ni
reference: https://github.com/ARM-Development/comble-mip
authors: Florian Tornow (florian.tornow@nasa.gov) and Ann Fridlind (ann.fridlind@nasa.gov)
version: 2024-09-25 16:28:30
format_version: DEPHY-derivative
script: convert_DHARMA_LES_output_to_dephy_format_3D.ipynb
startDate: 2020-03-12 22:00:00.0
force_geo: 1
surfaceType: ocean (after spin-up)
surfaceForcing: ts (after spin-up)
dimensions(sizes): x(256), y(256), height(159), time(1)
variables(dimensions): float64 x(x), float64 y(y), float64 height(height), float64 time(time), float64 pa(time, height), float64 ua(time, height, x, y), float64 va(time, height, x, y), float64 wa(time, height, x, y), float64 ta(time, height, x, y), float64 rhoa(time, height, x, y), float64 qv(time, height, x, y), float64 qlc(time, height, x, y), float64 qlr(time, height, x, y), float64 qic(time, height, x, y), float64 qis(time, height, x, y), float64 qig(time, height, x, y), float64 nlc(time, height, x, y), float64 nlr(time, height, x, y), float64 nic(time, height, x, y), float64 nis(time, height, x, y), float64 nig(time, height, x, y), float64 eps(time, height, x, y), float64 tend_cond(time, height, x, y), float64 tend_dep(time, height, x, y), float64 tend_rim(time, height, x, y)
dephy_check = xr.open_dataset(dephy_filename)
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 2GB Dimensions: (x: 256, y: 256, height: 159, time: 1) Coordinates: * x (x) float64 2kB -1.28e+04 -1.27e+04 ... 1.26e+04 1.27e+04 * y (y) float64 2kB -1.28e+04 -1.27e+04 ... 1.26e+04 1.27e+04 * height (height) float64 1kB 10.0 32.5 60.0 ... 6.92e+03 6.975e+03 * time (time) datetime64[ns] 8B 2020-03-13T18:00:00 Data variables: (12/21) pa (time, height) float64 1kB ... ua (time, height, x, y) float64 83MB ... va (time, height, x, y) float64 83MB ... wa (time, height, x, y) float64 83MB ... ta (time, height, x, y) float64 83MB ... rhoa (time, height, x, y) float64 83MB ... ... ... nis (time, height, x, y) float64 83MB ... nig (time, height, x, y) float64 83MB ... eps (time, height, x, y) float64 83MB ... tend_cond (time, height, x, y) float64 83MB ... tend_dep (time, height, x, y) float64 83MB ... tend_rim (time, height, x, y) float64 83MB ... Attributes: title: DHARMA LES results for COMBLE-MIP case: fixed Nd and Ni reference: https://github.com/ARM-Development/comble-mip authors: Florian Tornow (florian.tornow@nasa.gov) and Ann Fridlin... version: 2024-09-25 16:28:30 format_version: DEPHY-derivative script: convert_DHARMA_LES_output_to_dephy_format_3D.ipynb startDate: 2020-03-12 22:00:00.0 force_geo: 1 surfaceType: ocean (after spin-up) surfaceForcing: ts (after spin-up)
array([[[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]],
[[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]],
[[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]],
[[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]],
[[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]],
[[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]]])
rho_i = 9.e2 # general density of ice used here, kg/m3
alpha = max([2.2e4,-4.99e3-4.94e4*np.log10(iwc_s*1e3)])
mass_s = np.pi*4.*rho_i/alpha**3 # kg (based on distribution, half of value used in code as 'typical')
num_s = iwc_s/mass_s # m-3 total and m-4 leading constant
N_icef(ix,iy,iz) = num_s*1e-3 # m-3*1e-3 --> L-1
num_lrg_s = num_s*(1 - igamma(5,alpha*d_thresh)/gamma(5)) # m-3
N_100_ice(ix,iy,iz) = N_100_ice(ix,iy,iz) + num_lrg_s*1e-3 # L-1
area_s = np.pi/4*num_s*720/(alpha**2*24.) # m2/m3
R2_ice(ix,iy,iz) = R2_ice(ix,iy,iz) + area_s*1e9/np.pi # m2/m3 --> um2/L
z_s = num_s*gamma(8)/alpha**6*f_refr*1e18 # mm6/m3
vz_s = z_s*vel_s*(0.3/rhobar(iz))**0.5 # mm6/m3 * m/s estimated
Cell In[2], line 5
N_icef(ix,iy,iz) = num_s*1e-3 # m-3*1e-3 --> L-1
SyntaxError: cannot assign to function call here. Maybe you meant '==' instead of '='?
ng_ice = 3
do_rain = True
do_morr = True
nd_thresh = 1e-9
ni_thresh = 1e-12
## rewrite to gather from dharma.cdf
use_s08_gamr = 0
use_s08_limr = 0
disp_type = 0
droplet_con = 20.0
droplet_sig = 1.2
is_qr = 1
varnames = ['w','LWC','RWC','Nr','mu_r','Nwr','Dmr','D0r','Dmtr','lamr',$
'dBZ','dBZr','DopV', 'DopVr','PR','PRr']
varnames = ['Nr','Dmtr','lamr']
vname = [ 'w', moisture, 'qc' ]
i_w = 0
i_moisture = 1
i_qc = 2
i_last = i_qc
vname = [ vname, 'qic', 'qif', 'qid' ]
i_qic = i_last + 1
i_qif = i_last + 2
i_qid = i_last + 3
i_last = i_last + 3
vname = [ vname, 'qr' ]
i_qr = i_last + 1
i_last = i_last + 1
vname = [ vname, 'nc', 'nr', 'nic', 'nif', 'nid' ]
i_nc = i_last + 1
i_nr = i_last + 2
i_nic = i_last + 3
i_nif = i_last + 4
i_nid = i_last + 5
vname = [ 'qr', 'nr' ]
i_qr = 0
i_nr = 1
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 1
----> 1 gamma
NameError: name 'gamma' is not defined
self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72}
self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless,
'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless,
'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless,
'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless}
v_tmp = model.vel_param_a[hyd_type] * p_diam ** model.vel_param_b[hyd_type]