Apply for Elevated JupyterHub Access

Apply for Elevated JupyterHub Access#

We will be using ARM’s Workbench JupyterHub for the intercomparison, in order to evaluate the models with ARM observations and faciliate comparisons between models participating in the project.

If you are involved with the intercomparison, then please follow the instructions on this website to apply for access. You will need to log into your ARM ServiceNow account, which is the same as your ARM Data Discovery account.

When filling out the form, be sure to complete the entries as follows:

  • Visitor Role: Collaborator

  • Resources: ARM Data Center Enhanced Jupyterhub Access

  • Justification: Participation in COMBLE-MIP LES/SCM Project

  • Start Date: Today’s date

  • End Date: 1 year from today’s date