Summer School Projects

Project Overview

Collaborative projects are a key component of the ARM Open Science Summer School, in which you get to interact with others closely and apply new skills to make something exciting happen: it can be creating tools to streamline access of a particular data source, visualizing some high density data interactively, testing existing models with new data sources, or anything else you may want to do at the intersection of ARM/ASR and data science.

How will the projects be conducted?

We encourage project ideas from participants! Feel free to discuss existing or new project ideas #project-ideas Slack channel prior to the event. Once ideas begin to gel and collaborative groups begin to form, the group can start getting into the weeds using a the google slide deck which will also serve as your elevator pitch. Once your elevator pitch is presented and groups form, create a project Slack channel that starts with project_ (say, project_swe_sail), and create a Github repository (follow these instructions).

Tips for getting started

  • Potentially choose something that you’ve been interested but haven’t had the time or skills to do before, or something you can continue to work on after the ARM Summer SChool!

  • Open science is a community activity! It’s okay to choose projects that you can’t accomplish alone as other people will be there to help you, both at the ARM Summer School and outside of it!

  • Help your group member: you might be the person they need to solve their problem, and vice versa.

  • When discussing, pitch your explanation to the least experienced group member, and you’ll end up better understanding what you’re trying to do, or need to revise your idea.

  • You can mix programming languages as needed in order to get started, but do check in with your project mentors and group members to make sure your efforts are straightforward to be absorbed into the project.