Required setup
Please make sure to find some time to go through the below material before the hackweek.
Upon completion you will have:
Slack Account
All of our communication throughout the hackweek will be done using the
ARM Open Science Summer School
Slack workspace.
With your invite to the hackweek, you should also have received a separate
email to join the Slack workspace. Upon accepting the invite, please take a moment to
complete your Slack profile.
Having your name and picture with your Slack account helps us and your peers
to identify you on Slack and builds a more personal community throughout
the week.
ARM Data Login
We’ll have you download some data from NSIDC for your tutorials and projects. Visit our ARM Data page to learn how to access and ARM data login account if you don’t already have one!
GitHub Account
Everyone attending ARM Open Science Summer School will require obtaining a GitHub account. Visit our GitHub instruction page to learn how!
If this is your first time accessing the ARM Jupyterhub, then please follow the instructions on this website to apply for elevated access. You will need to log into your ARM ServiceNow account, which is the same as your ARM Data Discovery account.
When filling out the form, be sure to complete the entries as follows:
Visitor Role: Collaborator
Resources: ARM ADC JupyterHub Workshop
Justification: Participation in the ARM Summer School
Start Date: May 19
End Date: May 24
All content of the hackweek will be shared via GitHub and interacting with the
website will be done via the git
Visit Setting up the git
command to learn how to configure that!