Self-Consistency Plot

This example shows how to create a self-consistency plot

Differential reflectivity vs  Equivalent reflectivity factor, Specific differential phase (KDP) vs  Equivalent reflectivity factor, Differential propagation phase shift vs  Equivalent reflectivity factor, Radial mean Doppler velocity vs  Equivalent reflectivity factor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import read_arm_netcdf
from open_radar_data import DATASETS

import radtraq

# Read in example data
filename = DATASETS.fetch('')
ds = read_arm_netcdf(filename)

# Set thresholds of RhoHv > 0.99
thresh = {'copol_correlation_coeff': 0.99}

# Set up dictionary of variables to plot
var_dict = {
    'differential_reflectivity': {
        'variable': 'reflectivity',
        'bin_width': [1, 0.25],
        'linreg': True,
    'specific_differential_phase': {'variable': 'reflectivity'},
    'differential_phase': {'variable': 'reflectivity', 'bin_width': [1, 2.0]},
    'mean_doppler_velocity': {'variable': 'reflectivity', 'bin_width': [1, 0.5]},

# Call RadTraQ function
display = radtraq.plotting.plot_self_consistency(ds, variables=var_dict, thresh=thresh)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.811 seconds)

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