Source code for radtraq.plotting.self_consistency


Module for plotting self-consistency histograms


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy

from radtraq.utils.dataset_utils import get_height_variable_name

[docs] def plot_self_consistency(obj, variables=None, thresh=None): """ Function for plotting self-consistency plots Parameters ---------- object : Xarray.Dataset ACT object containing vertical point data variables : dict Dictionary of variables to plot with format of {yvariable: {'variable': x-variable, 'bin_width': [1, 2], 'linreg': True}} thresh : dict dictionary of variables to threshold the data from. For example thresh = {'copol_correlation_coeff': 0.99} Returns ------- ax : matplotlib ax handle Returns the axis handle for additional updates if needed """ if thresh is not None: thresh_vars = list(thresh.keys()) comp_vars = [variables[k]['variable'] for k in variables.keys()] var = list(variables.keys()) + thresh_vars + comp_vars # Threshold all variables based on thresh new_obj = obj[var] height_var = get_height_variable_name(new_obj, variable=var[0]) new_obj = new_obj.stack(z=('time', height_var)) new_obj = new_obj.dropna(dim='z') if thresh is not None: for k in thresh: new_obj = new_obj.where(new_obj[k].compute() > thresh[k], drop=True) # Set up plots n_plots = len(variables.keys()) nc = 2 nr = int(np.ceil(n_plots / 2.0)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nc, nr, figsize=(5 * nr, 4.25 * nc)) # Cycle through each plot and create comparison i = 0 j = 0 for k in variables: bin_width = [1, 1] if 'bin_width' in variables[k]: bin_width = variables[k]['bin_width'] comp_var = variables[k]['variable'] xbins = int((new_obj[comp_var].max() - new_obj[comp_var].min()) / bin_width[0]) ybins = int((new_obj[k].max() - new_obj[k].min()) / bin_width[1]) ax[i, j].hist2d(new_obj[comp_var], new_obj[k], bins=[xbins, ybins], cmin=1) ax[i, j].set_xlabel(new_obj[comp_var].attrs['long_name']) ax[i, j].set_ylabel(new_obj[k].attrs['long_name']) ax[i, j].set_title( new_obj[k].attrs['long_name'].split(',')[0] + ' vs \n' + new_obj[comp_var].attrs['long_name'] ) if 'linreg' in variables[k]: results = scipy.stats.linregress(new_obj[comp_var], new_obj[k]) text = '%.2f' % results.intercept + ' + ' + '%.2f' % results.slope + 'x' ax[0, 0].text(new_obj[comp_var].max(), new_obj[k].max(), text, ha='right', va='top') ax[0, 0].plot( new_obj[comp_var].values, new_obj[comp_var].values * results.slope + results.intercept, 'r', ) j += 1 if j >= nc: j = 0 i += 1 plt.tight_layout() return ax