Source code for radtraq.plotting.profile


Module for plotting up average variable
profiles based on masked data


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs] def plot_avg_profile(rad_dict, ylim=[0, None]): """ Function for plotting up average profiles including differences Parameters ---------- rad_dict : dict Dictionary of objects and variables to process. See example ylim : list ylimits to use Returns ------- ax : matplotlib ax handle Returns the axis handle for additional updates if needed """ # Set up figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5)) # Process each sub-dictionary in the dictionary passed in all_plat = [] all_mean = [] for d in rad_dict: all_plat.append(d) variable = rad_dict[d]['variable'] obj = rad_dict[d]['object'] # Get dimensions and use data from non-time dimension for y-axis dims = list(obj[variable].dims) height = [d for d in dims if 'time' not in d][0] # Plot average profiles ax[0].plot(obj[variable + '_avg_prof'], obj[height], label=d) # Add mean profiles to one array all_mean.append(obj[variable + '_avg_prof'].values) height_units = obj[height].attrs['units'] # Set up plot and add legend ax[0].set_ylim(ylim) ax[0].set_ylabel(height + ' (' + height_units + ')') ax[0].legend(fontsize=8) # Process and plot differences between each radar/object passed in diff_name = [] for i, p in enumerate(all_plat): for j, p2 in enumerate(all_plat): # If same object then continue if p == p2: continue # Track the comparisons and continue if already done diff_name.append([p, p2]) u, ind, ct = np.unique(diff_name, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) if 1 not in ct: continue # Calculate differences, make label, and plot diff = all_mean[j] - all_mean[i] lab = ' '.join([p2, '-', p + ':', str(round(np.nanmean(diff), 2))]) ax[1].plot(diff, rad_dict[p]['object'][height], label=lab) # Set up plot and add legend ax[1].set_ylim(ylim) ax[1].legend(fontsize=8) plt.tight_layout() return ax