Module for calculating and plotting a cfad using
an act object as input
import warnings
import dask
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from radtraq.utils.dataset_utils import get_height_variable_name
def plot_cfad(hist, x, y):
Function for plotting up CFAD given 2D histogram, x, and y
hist : list
2D list of histogram data from calc_cfad
x : list
List of x values
y : list
List of y values
fig : matplotlib ax handle
Returns the axis handle for additional updates if needed
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
cs = ax.contourf(x, y, hist, 50)
return ax
def calc_cfad(obj, variable, height_variable=None, xbins=None):
Function for calculating CFAD
object : Xarray.Dataset
ACT object containing vertical point data
variable : string
Variable to calculate CFAD
height_variable : string
Name of the height variable to use. If set to None, will attempt to determine
by using coordinate varible name.
xbins : list
List of bins to calculate CFAD. If None will calcualte a default.
data_array : Xarray.DataArray
DataArray containg results from CFAD analysis and coordinate variables
# Determine height coordinate varible name.
if height_variable is None:
height_variable = get_height_variable_name(obj, variable)
data = obj[variable]
height = obj[height_variable]
if xbins is None:
xbins = np.linspace(-70, 50, 121)
dsk = []
for j in range(len(height)):
a = dask.delayed(np.histogram)(data[:, j], bins=xbins)
hist = dask.compute(*dsk)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
'ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, message='.*divide by zero encountered in log10.*'
hist = np.log10(np.array(hist))
coords = {'x': xbins[:-1], height_variable: height.values}
dims = [height_variable, 'x']
attrs = {'long_name': f'CFAD for {variable}', 'units': '1'}
data_array = xr.DataArray(data=hist, dims=dims, coords=coords, attrs=attrs)
data_array['x'].attrs = {'long_name': 'X bins for CFAD', 'units': '1'}
return data_array